When you think about monthly bills food is not normally the
first thing to pop up. Usually rent, electric or auto insurance or the most
common first thoughts and your food budget often is a second thought. For some
of us our food budget is whatever is left after paying every other bill, but
what we eat is directly related to our health and energy levels. So if you’re a
follower of my blog you’ll known I like to make list. I think they are a fast
way to convey a point in the simplest way possible so here is a list of reasons
to consider starting with lowering your food bill first in random order.
1. Eating what you grow and raise is safer and healthier,
giving you more energy to accomplish more in a day so you can eliminate the
other bills faster.
Look at your trash can how much of it is rappers
and packaging, therefore how much closer will you be to ridding yourself of a
garbage bill if you lower or eliminate your food bill.
a strain of bacterium in soil, Mycobacterium
vaccae, has been found to trigger the release of seratonin, which in turn
elevates mood and decreases anxiety, which means putting your hands in the soil
and gardening helps fight depression and makes us happy!
4. To become free from monthly bills we must change our mindset from a consumer to a producer, a producer of our own power, water, food, wealth, happiness and freedom. Change is not easy and if gardening releases serration in our brains that means it is addictive! and it truly is a gate way drug leading to raising chickens and other livestock , to buying solar power and beyond. Start an addiction that you want! Start a garden.
Starting eliminating the power bill or water
bill or rent /mortgage take start up cash you must have some extra money in
your budget to start to lower those bill. But to lower your food bill cost you
nothing. Don’t believe me? Message me, I can show you how to build garden boxes
for free, fill those garden boxes with soil for free, and then get free starts
and seed to plant. I am so sure of this that I put my number on our Facebook
page so you can call me if you get stuck and I will talk you though the step of
getting started.