Article 1
Organization Name:
Manabu Self-sufficiency School
Article 2
Date of issue:
Article 3
Purpose of bylaw:
To set forth a binding document, that will outline the operations of Manabu Self-sufficiency School
Article 4
Statements regarding company operations:
All company decisions that require the spending of company cash must be voted on and approved by the majority. In the event of a tie no action is to be taken till the tie can be broken.
Article 5
Specification of meetings (regular, special, quorum)
The partners shall hold a meeting once a week for at least the first year, after that time a meeting shall be held to determine whether or not to move meeting to a once a month .
Article 6
Partner positions & duties
Name: Carl Stanley III
Position: Head of operations
Duties: to over the daily operations and advancement of the school and all other Manabu projects.
Name: Elliott E. McCants III
Position: Head of education integrity
Duties: To insure that all student receive the best education that we can offer them.
Name: James Bruce Bowman
Position: Head of both aquiculture development and new construction.
Duties: Oversee all aquiculture projects ran by the school and in charge of all new construction.
Article 7
Student motivation plan
Our goal is to make successful people, to do this we must motive them to be more that they often are. This will be accomplished by a few steps, listed below
1. Grading for over achievement as described in this document article 8.
2. Forming a understanding of the students wants, goals ,and motivations by:
a. The student intake survey
b. The social profile formed in week one of the course
c. Working one on one with the student
3. Holding cash or price reward contest each week for students that do the best.
4. Playing daily motivation movies at the beginning of each class.
5. Having after school programs that work with the student on improving their situation. As listed but not limited Article 23 of this document
Article 8
Grading for over achievement
The Manabu Self-sufficiency School shall strive to inspire students to be over achievers with our grading policies. Not only will students be graded on class and homework but on dallies class participation. These participation points will be counted as extra credit and posted as soon as they are earned. The student that earns the most points each week will receive a reword. There will be extra credit assignments available every day as well.
Students that fall below a B- grade will be on academic review. Making them unavailable to win prizes, participate in after school programs, or gradate.
Article 9
Transparent grading policy
All students’ grades will be posted as they are earned, in the class room to promote a competition environment. No grade should go un-posted for longer than one school day. The grading should be clearly marked showing points earned, total points available, and total extra credit points.
Article 10
Curriculum outline
Day 1:
1.1 We have to change ourselves to change the world.
1.2 Seeing the dream worksheet.
1.3 Track your spending worksheet (30 day review)
Day 2:
1.4 To change you must first know yourself.
1.5 The five minute personality worksheet.
1.6 True gold test (money, healthy, relationships, free time, and education)
Day 3:
1.7 Finding your way and making it your how.
1.8 Why exercise
1.9 Being more doing more achieving more.
Day 4:
1.10 Hacking your brain
1.11 Expanding your taste buds speech.
1.12 Expanding your taste buds worksheet (7 day review)
Day 5:
1.13 Learn your power needs.
1.14 Power needs worksheet.
Day 6:
2.1 Introduction to Chapter
2.2 Manabu Gardening Philosophies
2.3 Gardening Broken Down
2.4 The L.A.F.S. Gardening Test
2.5 L.A.F.S. Gardening Test Explanations
2.6 Making Good Soil
2.7 Manabu Forest Floor Soil Method
2.8 Manabu Beautiful Compost Method
2.9 Making your compost work for you
2.10 Manabu complete Box Compost Method
Day 7:
2.11 Manabu 10 Year Method
2.12 Manabu Painting Method
2.13 Manabu Step Gardening Method
2.14 Manabu Testing Garden Method
Day 8:
2.15 Care Of Your Garden
2.16 Listless Care of Your Garden
2.17 Artistic Care of Your Garden
2.18 Fruitful Care of Your Garden
2.19 Scientific Care of Your Garden
Day 9:
2.20 Plant Harvesting and Seed Saving
2.21 Preserving Methods and Techniques
2.22 Small Livestock Raising
2.23 Respectful Livestock Harvesting
2.24 Hunting and Wild Food Foraging
Day 10:
2.25 Aquaponics Layout
2.26 Winter Green housing
2.27 Gardening inside Your House
2.28 Chapter 2 Review Test
3.1 Producing your own power
3.2 Designing your grid system
3.3 Grid system test
Day 12:
3.4 Solar power
3.5 Solar power class experiment
3.6 Angle and date worksheet
Day 13:
3.7 Wind power
3.8 Wind power homemade
3.9 What to look for when buying
3.10 Wind power test
Day 14:
3.11 Water power
3.12 Hydroelectric big and small
3.13 Hydrogen creation
3.14 Hydrogen demonstration
3.15 Water test
Day 15:
3.16 Kinetic power
3.17 Magnetic power
3.18 Bio gas & methane power
3.19 chapter review test
Day 16:
4.1 Water Information
4.2 Water Usage and Loss
Day 17:
4.3 Dry Toilets
4.4 How to Test Your Water
4.5 Rainwater Collection Experiment
Day 18:
4.6 How to Build a Proper Rainwater Collection System for Your House
4.7 Rainwater Filter Experiment
4.8 Rainwater Filter Information Sheet
Day 19:
4.9 Grey Water VS. Black Water
4.10 Grey Water Gardening
Day 20:
4.11 Water from Air
4.12 Chapter Review Test
Day 21:
5.1 Do What You Love Speech
5.2 List Your Skills Worksheet
5.3 Turning Your Skills into a Home Based Business
Day 22:
5.4 If you’re Not Growing More Than You Need, You're Not Growing Enough
5.5 The Science of Selling
5.6 Science of Selling Worksheet
Day 23:
5.7 Branding and Marketing
Day 24:
5.8 Social Media for Profit
Day 25:
5.9 Making a business plan in 13 steps
5.10 Business plan class exercise
Code of conduct
Student Code of Conduct
The Manabu School Board firmly believes that learning can best take place in an orderly environment and that students can best learn individual and collective responsibility and gain maturity if they are provided opportunities in which to exercise responsibility within the school setting. This School Discipline Policy is intended to communicate expectations regarding acceptable conduct in school in order to provide a positive learning environment for all students.
It is a responsibility of the Manabu School Board, administrators and teachers to safeguard the health and safety of each student. The Manabu School Board will support teachers who, in dealing with students on disciplinary matters, act in accordance with State Law, Department of Education Regulations and Manabu School policies.
The Manabu School Board recognizes its responsibility to meet the educational needs of students who do not respond well to normal school programs. Such efforts may include utilizing special services personnel and outside referral agencies and/or adjusting normal school procedures. If a student does not respond to these efforts and consistently exerts a disruptive influence on the educational environment of a school, the needs of the other students and staff must become a major factor in planning alternatives.
With due consideration to these obligations, it is the responsibility of the Manabu School Board and administrators to make reasonable rules and regulations for the governing of student behavior and conduct. Building principals and appropriate staff will annually review this policy to assess its effectiveness. All rules and regulations regarding student behavior will be approved annually by the Manabu School Board.
A. Student Code of Conduct
The School Student Code of Conduct is in effect from the time a student arrives at the school at the beginning of the day until the student leaves the school. Along with all times when students are participating in school-sponsored activities.
1. If the student has a Parental/guardian, involvement and cooperation is vital in the discipline process.
2. The discipline procedures will apply and be consistently enforced at all school buildings and outings. At the same time, the Manabu School Board realizes the uniqueness of each building and project and recognizes that there may be individual building and classroom procedures to implement and supplement these Manabu procedures.
3. All school staff and students will work together to correct the misbehavior of the student and to maintain a written record of incidents of serious misbehavior.
4. Measures to correct misbehavior will depend upon the nature of the behavior, the frequency, and the willingness of the student to correct the undesirable behavior. The use of these measures is intended to encourage acceptable behavior. Corrective action will normally begin at a minimal level and proceed to more serious action.
B. Behavior Expectations
1. The following rules will apply at all Manabu school locations:
a. Students will show respect and courtesy to other people at all times.
b. Students will show respect for property inside and outside the buildings.
c. Students will behave in a manner that does not endanger themselves or others.
2. a. When unacceptable behavior cannot be readily corrected by the classroom teacher, the child’s parents/guardians will be informed of the problem if student is underage. By the teacher or the principal and requested to participate in solving the problem.
b. If the students is age 18 or older than they are responsible for their own behavior.
3. If the situation is such that special services personnel are needed, the teacher shall refer the student to the appropriate special service.
4. If the problem is not resolved at the building level, the Principal may refer the student to the Manabu school board for further action.
a. Unacceptable behavior disciplinary action may be taken as a result of any behavior which is disruptive or which violates the rights of others. The following acts are examples of unacceptable behavior and subject to disciplinary action in all Manabu schools, at school bus stops, on the school buses and at school sponsored activities. School sponsored activities include, but are not limited to, co-curricular events, field trips, and club activities. The listing of minimum actions does not imply or require that a “step-by-step” progression of increasing severity be employed by an administrator in dealing with a violation. However, there shall be a relationship between the severity of the offense and the administrative action.
1. Violation Against Persons a. Fighting Mutual combat in which all parties have contributed to the situation by verbal and/or physical action. Minimum Action: Student conference and parent/guardian contact. Maximum Action: Expulsion or exclusion.
a. Harassment Participating in, or conspiring for others to engage in acts that injure, degrade, or disgrace other individuals. Minimum Action: Student conference and parent/guardian contact. Maximum Action: Expulsion or exclusion.
b. Sexual, Racial and Religious Harassment and Violence Sexual, racial and religious harassment and violence. Minimum Action: Student conference, parent/guardian contact, and referral to the Manabu School District’s Human Rights Officers. Maximum Action: Expulsion or exclusion.
c. Bullying “Bullying” means repeated behavior by an individual student, an individual student within a group of students, or group of students that is intended to cause the victim(s) to feel frightened, threatened, intimidated, humiliated, shamed, disgraced, ostracized, or physically abused. Bullying implies an imbalance in power or strength in which the student being bullied has difficulty defending him or herself. Bullying can take many forms, including physical, verbal, and social/relational and/or cyber bullying. Minimum Action: Student conference and parent/guardian contact. Maximum Action: Expulsion or exclusion. e. Abusive/Inappropriate Language
(1) Disrespectful language to others.
(2) Threatening language to others. Minimum Action: Student conference and parent/guardian contact. Maximum Action: Expulsion or exclusion.
d. Interference/Obstruction Any intentional action taken to attempt to prevent a staff member from exercising his/her lawfully assigned duties.
Manabu School Student Code of Conduct Example 3 Minimum Action: Student conference and parent/guardian contact. Maximum Action: Expulsion or exclusion.
e. Possession of a Firearm Minimum Action: Immediate suspension, notification of law enforcement agency. Maximum Action: Expulsion or exclusion.
f. Possession of a Weapon Other than a Firearm Which Could Cause Harm Minimum Action: Student conference, parent/guardian contact and possible notification of police. Maximum Action: Expulsion or exclusion.
g. Possession of a Weapon Facsimile Minimum Action: Student conference, parent/guardian contact and possible notification of police. Maximum Action: Expulsion or exclusion.
h. Assault “Assault” is doing an act with intent to cause fear in another of immediate bodily harm or death or intentionally inflicting or attempting to inflict bodily harm upon another. Minimum Action: Student conference, parent/guardian contact, and possible notification of police. Maximum Action: Expulsion or exclusion.
i. Aggravated Assault “Aggravated Assault” is committing an assault upon the person of another with a dangerous weapon or an assault which inflicts great bodily harm upon the person of another. Minimum Action: Student conference, suspension, parent/guardian contact and notification of police. Maximum Action: Expulsion or exclusion.
j. Hazing “Hazing” means committing an act against a student, or coercing a student into committing an act, that creates a substantial risk of harm or embarrassment to a person, in order for the student to be initiated or affiliated with a student organization, or for any other purpose. Minimum Action: Student Conference and Parent/Guardian Contact. Maximum Action: Expulsion or exclusion.
k. Violation against Property a. Unauthorized Use of School Property The unauthorized/illegal use of school property. Minimum Action: Student conference, parent/guardian contact and notification of police or juvenile authorities. Maximum Action: Expulsion or exclusion.
l. Willful Damage of School Property Minimum Action: Student conference, parent/guardian contact and recommended restitution. Maximum Action: Expulsion or exclusion.
m. Willful Damage to Property of Staff Members and Others Minimum Action: Student conference, parent/guardian contact and recommended restitution. Maximum Action: Expulsion or exclusion. d. Theft The unauthorized taking or possession of the property of another. Minimum Action: Student conference, parent/guardian contact, and possible notification
n. Robbery/Extortion the obtaining of property from another where his/her consent was induced by a use of force or a threat of force. Minimum Action: Student conference, suspension, parent/guardian contact and immediate notification of police. Maximum Action: Expulsion or exclusion.
o. Tampering with Food or Beverages Adding or attempting to add foreign substances to food or beverages, including spitting into food or beverages or spitting on food trays. Minimum Action: Student conference and parent/guardian contact. Maximum Action: Expulsion or exclusion.
p. Violation Against School Administrative Procedures a. Insubordination Refusal to follow school rules and regulations as directed by staff. Minimum Action: Student conference and parent/guardian contact. Maximum Action: Expulsion or exclusion.
q. Disruptive Behavior Actions which interfere with effective operations of the school. Minimum Action: Student conference and parent/guardian contact. Maximum Action: Expulsion or exclusion.
r. Record and Identification Falsification/Forgery
(1) Falsifying signatures or data on official record.
(2) Refusal to give correct identification or giving false identification when requested to do so by a staff member. Minimum Action: Student conference and parent/guardian contact. Maximum Action: Expulsion or exclusion.
s. Unauthorized Distribution Unauthorized distribution of literature on or near school property of inflammatory, libelous or slanderous material. Minimum Action: Student conference and parent/guardian contact. Maximum Action: Expulsion or exclusion.
t. Leaving School Building or Grounds Leaving school buildings or grounds during school hours without proper clearance. Minimum Action: Student conference and parent/guardian contact. Maximum Action: Expulsion or exclusion.
v. Chronic and Unexcused Absenteeism Minimum Action: Student conference. Maximum Action: Expulsion. g. Truancy Minimum Action: Student conference and parent/guardian contact. Maximum Action: Expulsion.
x. Chronic and Unexcused Tardiness Minimum Action: Student conference. Maximum Action: Expulsion or exclusion.
y. Student Attire Manner of dress or personal grooming which presents a clear danger to the student’s health and safety, causes an interference with work, or creates classroom or school disorder. The wearing of head wear and coats and the wearing or display of confederate flag, swastika and KKK signs or symbols is not permitted on school property or at school sponsored events. The wearing of any clothing that displays tobacco, alcohol, drug, or drug paraphernalia and offensive words, pictures or symbols is not permitted on school property or at school sponsored events. Clothing must cover back, shoulders, midriff and cover chest, buttocks and underclothing. School property is defined as school buildings and grounds, including the parking lot and school buses. Minimum Action: Student conference and parent/guardian contact. Maximum Action: Expulsion or exclusion.
z. Trespassing physically present on a school campus or at a school activity after being requested to leave by school principal or other person lawfully responsible for the control of said premises. Minimum Action: Student conference and possible referral to police or juvenile authorities. Maximum Action: Expulsion or exclusion.
Article 12
Student work exchange Grant
For every 10 students that enroll one student work exchange (SWE) grant will become available. The SWE does not cover all of the financial cost of the course instead only part as defend below.
a. Student approved for the SWE is asked how much they can afford to pay this amount is than subtracted for the $1500 course cost.
b. The remainder of the cost is than divided by $10 to give a total number of hours needed of student work to cover the cost of the class.
c. This total numbers of hours is than divided by 5 for the five weeks course
d. Students who receive the SWE grant then must work X amount of hours each week while taking the course x= the number of hours determined in article 12 section c
e. Students will work in one of our expansion projects such as but not limited to
a.i. Manabu soil program
a.ii. Solar buddy program
a.iii. Aquaponics where house
a.iv. Farmers market stand
By having the student work in one of these programs we as a company will make more than the cost of the class but over a longer time as it will take time for the products the student help make to become sold.
Article 13
Diversification and expansion
While our primary goal is to be an adult education center, it is not our only goal.
We also wish to rapidly expand into many other fields. Listed below but not limited to:
a. A free day care for all Alumnae
b. An accredited preschool though collage (see article 14)
c. A production facility. That produces new technologies for eliminating monthly bills. (see article 22)
d. A home and apartment rental agency (see article 24)
e. A soil production facility (see article 18)
f. A farmers market stand/ farm store (see article 19)
g. Fresh meat production ware house (see article 20)
h. Alterative green energy company (see article 17)
i. Bill Free America the online magazine and publishing company (see article 25)
j. Paid for play phone apps (see article 26)
k. Alumnae business expansion program (see article 27)
l. Manabu recycling and reuse program (see article 28)
m. Manabu power gym (see article 29)
Article 14
Curriculum expansion plans
Every 5 weeks we shall strive to add one new class. These classes do not need to be week long courses but can be or they can be a one day class and should contain some sort of self- sufficiency education such as canning, cooking what you grow, or basket making. These are just a few ideas of expansion classes and in no way is a complete list.
Article 15
Golden ticket program
For every slandered class of 10 students 5 additional seats will be available for the golden ticket students bringing class size to 15 students.
Golden tickets are not issued to students but to leaders of the community whose opinions Manabu Self-sufficiency School respects. Theses community leaders then hand out the ticket to someone that they feel can benefit from the classes and has the right mind set for success. The ticket counts as payment in full for the class as placing them on the golden ticket program that means that the teachers will pay more notice to these students and try and help them. As well as expecting more out of them. The golden tick will look something like:
Golden Ticket
You have been handed this golden ticket because_____________ believes in you!
We at Manabu Self-sufficiency School trust the opinions of ______________
Present this ticket to Manabu Self-sufficiency School
For a complete paid course with extra benefits.
Warning if you fail this course or drop out______________ will not receive another golden ticket to hand out to another individual. They believe so strongly in your success that they are staking their name on it! Don’t let them or yourself down.
Article 16
Hope for flint
The Hope for Flint project is in a way to form a union for Flint citizens that care about Flint’s success.
There are three levels of union membership
Copper, silver, and gold each come with different cost and benefits
Cost of membership
Copper: Must pay 5 dollars or 5 hours a month at the monthly improvement event.
Silver: Must pay 10 dollars or 5 dollars and 5 hours a month at the monthly improvement event.
Gold: Must pay 10 dollars 5 hours a month at the monthly improvement event.
Benefits of membership:
Any member of the union has use of the lawyer that the union keeps on retainer (this lawyer gives us this retainer for all the cases and advertisement we send him or her)
All members also can apply for a one time loan from the union with low interest rates. (See section on profit division in this article)
All members depending on union level receive discounts at local stores that display the union membership stickers.
All members are entered in to a monthly draying. If they win then than the next month their home is selected for location of the monthly improvement event. The event is where all union members come to that home and improve the home. Usually but not limited to, installing a garden and green house.
Profit division
All profit from union dues is divided equally in three parts
1. The member loan found
2. The improvement event budget
3. Union cost of operations
Article 17
Solar buddy program
By means of this program we help our students and union members to begin to create their own power.
To apply for this program you must own your own home.
The applicant brings in the last three monthly power bills and we find the average of these bills. The applicant then signs a contract stating they will pay a total of $600 in payment. (Payment amount is to be equal to any money saved from our installation of the solar system from the average amount spent on monthly power till the $600 is paid back in full but cannot be less than $20 a month) We than install a basic solar system one solar panel, one charge controller, one inverter, and one battery.
Example: Joe pays on average $150 a month for power. We install our solar buddy system on his house and his next bill from the power company is $125. He pays Manabu school $25 dollars off of his $600 if the next month he uses less power let’s say and only has to pay the power company 100 he would pay Manabu school $50 but if his bill is higher than his average for some reason than he has to pay a minimum monthly fee of $20
Article 18
Manabu soil
Making soil is big business. The crazy part is that it takes no cash to make soil. By arranging with local schools, hospitals, jails, and other companies that sell food, to pick up their food scrap waste we can begin to mass produce compost add raising our own worms and rabbits we can add there waist to for one of the highest grade soils on the market. This Manabu soil can be sold in our store and farmers market stand or even shipped to garden supply stores around Michigan.
Note on Student work exchange Grant
Students that complete their work exchange in the Manabu soil program have the option after completion of the program to set up a satellite office at their home where we pay them for proceeded compost that they bring in.
Article 19
Farmer’s market stand
Manabu School must have a farmer’s market stand, where the excess produce that we raise can be sold. Not only will we sell the food we raise at the school but also any alumnae can sell us food that we resell for them at the market as well as any member of the Hope for Flint project. Many products that will arise from the Alumnae business expansion program will also be able to be sold at the farmer’s market stand.
Article 20
Aquaponics where house
Aquaponics is a system of aquaculture in which the waste produced by farmed fish or other aquatic animals supplies nutrients for plants grown hydroponically, which in turn purify the water. The system also makes use of a sub pump filtering system that grows duckweed as food for the fish and the only byproduct of the system is a high grade liquid plant fertilizer.
We will need a large where house to house are industrialized aquaponics systems that will produce vegetables, fish, and fertilizer all for sale by us. This is a great revue source for us as not only will it allow us to sell the fish as food at our farmer’s market and to stores but sell baby fish to our students for them to set up their home aquaponics systems. Pulse allows us to offer our students hands on experience.
Article 21
School store
Having a school store is a must. It allows us to sell products that can help our students in becoming bill free. It also allows our students to make products at home and sell them for a commission.
Article 22
Lot2 program
What is the lot 2 program? It is the place where we brain storm and invent new ways and technologies for eliminating and reducing monthly bills. While this program is one that will cost us a lot and may not produce a profit for some time it is vital to our continued success. We already have several devices we could begin manufacturing on, that will change the world as we know it.
Article 23
After school programs
As we expand we should try and offer many after school programs below is a list of ideas of programs that would benefit our student reaching success.
1. Gardening club
2. Go classes and club
3. Solar panel builders club
4. Chess club
5. Drone club
6. Robot war club
7. App makers club
8. YouTube video makers club
9. Quilt makers club
10. Home repair team up
These are just a few of the ideas for clubs that as the skills and interest arrive we shale try and open.
Article 24
A home and apartment rental agency
Buying homes and installing our self-sufficiency program raises the value of the home and we can than help students that are renting move in a buy from us the completed package. Keeping some homes as rental units so we can maintain a extra monthly income and ret to own others to help student reach their goals.
Article 25
Bill Free America the online magazine and publishing company
Once we are established here in Flint our goal will expand to reach other of the best way to this is to start producing a monthly online magazine the cost to do this is minimum and the exposure is vast. The magazine would have articles about the school and its past students and how they have become bill free or at least closer to it. As well as tips and tricks sections where each month we help show how to lower one type of bill, also having reviews of different products like solar panels. Will not only allow our readers to get a better understanding of the new technology’s but over time will allow us to have companies send us free products to do reviews on.
Article 26
Paid for play phone apps
Phone apps are the wave of the future. We have three app designs already that are games people can play and the app pays them for playing this is a cheap investment with huge turn around. That also helps our students and others to make money at home for just playing a game.
Article 27
Alumnae business expansion program
Part of the finances that are set aside for student motivation is used in this program preferably around $2000 by the end of the 5th week students will have a business plan in place on how they want to start their home profit business. We the school board will look over each of these plans and each semester offer one student the option of either:
1. A grant for the amount of the cash set aside for this project where we Manabu school then own 1% of their business.
2. A loan with a fixed interest rate of $10 per every $100 loaned.
No matter what option they take if they are making a product it will be allowed to be sold in our store or farmers market. (if the product is a service than adds will be placed in the store and farmers market.)
This will not only help our students reach their goals but allow us to expand our Diversification and bring in other revenue.
Article 28
Manabu recycling and reuse program
Home based recycling is a new and upcoming trend where trash is turned into new products and resold it has not caught on in Michigan because of the 10 cent refund on cans but cans are only one part of the diverse products that can make you money form refabricating for new uses a resell store that offers commissions and classes on what and how to make profit from things you would be normally toughing away is a natural expansion for us.
Article 29
Manabu power gym
Kinetic energy is the most plentiful energy source available for humankind and at the same time the most untapped source out there. I propose that as we expand our revenue stream we start a gym that instead of people paying us to go and work out that every machine is hooked up to a kinetic generator and has a membership card reader (like the card readers on slot machines that ready player club cards at casinos) this way we can track a member of our gyms energy creation and pay them a percentage of the profit we make from the county by selling back the electricity made.
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