Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Why Eat Rabbit ?
There are plenty of other “normal” things I can eat ? …..
Rabbits were as normal as chicken or a homegrown pork for dinner until the 50′s. Most people born before 1955 and especially alive during the depression… were fed rabbits as a supplemental protein source during those “lean” years. Little did they realize, or maybe they did… That this quality meat was not only inexpensive, easy to raise and easily managed on a small farm and was included as a Victory Garden protein source; It was nutritionally SUPER for them and their growing children! Even the USDA encouraged their consumption… What changed?
Big AGRA !! With all the money going to Big Agra, who wanted maximum profits with the cheapest bottom line using the majority of government endorsed chemicals and handouts… Rabbits didn’t make sense. So the concept was scrapped and called Old-fashioned. Something no one of the era wanted to be!
Well… why eat rabbit now?
Well, here’s just a few other reasons why rabbit should be considered as a supplement, at the very least, to anyone’s diet ! Besides being great tasting and ecologically superior to other meats…..
My Research shows:
Rabbit meat has been recommended for special diets such as for heart disease patients, diets for the elderly whose metabolism has slowed and digestion is compromised due to illness or life stage, low sodium diets, and weight reduction diets. Because it is easily digested, it has been recommended by doctors for patients who have trouble eating other meats.
As the world’s human population grows there will be less land to raise food. The rabbit will play a more increasing role in this supply. It is a sustainable, wholesome food that does not tax the land they are raised on.
Rabbits are raised up off the ground and are one of the cleanest animals produced as meat. Due to being raised off the ground, rabbits do not even need to be wormed, thus an addition medication scratched from the “necessary” list!
Rabbits do not need medications to stay healthy! Many large rabbitries administer a prophylactic dose of antibiotics, as noted in several how to books on rabbit raising. I have raised the current herd I have for 4 years without any antibiotics at all! If one of the rabbits falls ill, necessitating antibiotics, they are culled before the illness becomes a problem. It is a harsh method, but a sane one from an exposure to illness and medication standpoint.
Rabbits are among the most productive of domestic livestock. Making them efficient sources of food for an ever increasing population with diminishing resources.*Rabbits will produce 6 pounds of meat on the same feed and water as a cow will produce 1 pound of meat on the same feed and water.
The food sources for a healthy, productive rabbit can be wide ranging. Rabbits are raised across the world as efficient recyclers of green matter and contributors of prized fertilizer to apply to gardens, furthering their value as a wise, nutritious food source.
Click through our Health Benefits of including rabbit in your diet page on our site, Rabbit is something worthy of being added to you healthy, eco-friendly diet!
The office of Home Economics, states agencies of the U S Department of Agriculture have made extensive test and have stated that domestic rabbit meat is the most nutritious meat known to man.
Excerpt from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabbit
“ Rabbit meat is a source of high quality protein. It can be used in most ways chicken meat is used. In fact, well-known chef Mark Bittman says that domesticated rabbit tastes like chicken because both are blank palettes upon which any desired flavors can be layered.
Rabbit meat is leaner than beef, pork, and chicken meat. Rabbit products are generally labeled in three ways, the first being Fryer. This is a young rabbit between 1½ and 3½ pounds and up to 12 weeks in age. This type of meat is tender and fine grained.
The next product is a Roaster; they are usually over 4 pounds and up to 8 months in age. The flesh is firm and coarse grained and slightly less tender than a fryer.
Then there are giblets which include the liver and heart. “
Most commercial rabbits are packaged without rabbit giblets…

Sunday, November 28, 2010

New book idea

So last night was the native American dinner at unity of the redwoods
It was great there was dishes that had deer some had buffalo and I made fresh rabbit with Humboldt honey locally farmed and home made barbecue sauce soaked in pineapple juice baked in the oven for one hour ad steamed rice in the last 10 min. any ways I got a lot of compliments on the dish and it started me thinking about making a rabbit cook book. So tell me what you all think

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Wednesday before Thanksgiving

So today I need to harvest another rabbit for thanksgiving.
My good friend Jim is leaving town to ride the gray hound just for fun like I use to before I got married and started the farm. And it is church day here on the farm so stop on by at 6:30 PM and here robin speak on grandmother moon part 2 of here 13 part talk on the 13 grandmothers one each month.

And here is some information on the magic of colors
It is used in photodynamic therapy to erradicate cancer.Red is a warm color that promotes healing. It will warmcold areas to reduce pain and releave stiffness. Red stimulates circulation of blood and flow of adrenaline.Persons with high blood pressure should use with caution.Red energy governs the ROOT CHAKRA.

also a color of energy. Orange stimulates mental enlightenment. It is used to increase immunity, sexual potency and aid digestive ailments. Stimulates digestion. Orange can be used to help healconditions of the kidney, bladder and lungs. Orange governs the SPLEEN CHAKRA

mentally stimulating. It strengthens the nervous system. Helps curedermatitis and other skin problems. Yellow can be used for conditions of the stomach,liver, and intestines. Yellow governs the SOLAR PLEXIS CHAKRA
promotes calmness. Green is a good general healing color because itstimulates growth. The ancient Egyptians and Chinese used green as theprimary color of healing. A good color to help create an atmosphere of serenity.Green governs the HEART CHAKRA.
Blue is helpful in cooling, calming, reconstructing and protecting.It is very good for burns. Solarized blue water is an excellent tonic for laryngitis orinflammation of the larynx. Blue governs theTHROAT CHAKRA
Indigo is used for conditions of the ears, nose and eyes and hasanesthetic properties. Indigo is cool, electric, and astringent.Indigo governs BROW CHAKRA

, expands divine understanding It is good for mental and nervous problems.Helps with pain, is used in deep tissue work and helps heal the bones.Violet governs the CROWN CHAKRA
Purity, Truth, Protection, Spirituality
White is all color in perfect balance and harmony. It is the color of theawakened Spirit; the light of perfection; the light of the Christ and Buddhicconsciousness. It is also the Divines Light.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What to say

I have not worked on this blog in a long time did not think people where reading it. So I just kind of stopped and then I realized I was righting all this big heavy stuff each time instead of fun stuff like what is going on at Manabu farms a how the Manabu books are coming and how my glass art is coming along. So if my Humboldt fogged mind can remember then I will be giving daily updates (weekly most likely)