Saturday, May 27, 2017

If we do not change the way we Farm we could all be starving by the year 2030

Everyone knows American workers are aging, but farmers are older than workers in almost any other occupation. According to the Labor Department, the median age for farmers and ranchers is 55.9 years

It’s not just that farmers are among America’s oldest workers – their average age also has been growing rapidly for about 30 years, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Census of Agriculture, which in 2012 released new data. This census, which is published every five years, shows that during the last 30 years, the average age of U.S. farmers has grown by nearly eight years, from 50.5 years to 58.3 years.

It’s important to remember that this figure includes only principal operators, meaning any large farms that have one farmer at the helm but other, younger farmers helping out will only have that one farmer. So in truth it is a looks a little worse thin it is. And this was taken in 2012 so you have to add 5 years to it. Making the average age 63.3 year old this means in the next

One thing that might keep some young people out of farming could be the barriers to entry – land prices skyrocketed in recent years, and some equipment, like tractors and combines, can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. But you do not need these things to be a farmer it is only the common perception that you do that is keeping people out of becoming farmers.

Being counted in the census does not require heavy investment – an operation need only have the potential to produce $1,000 worth of agricultural goods in a year to count as a “farm.”
This is why even though Manabu farms only use’s homes in the city with just back and front lawns that we can say we have 21 farm lots in 4 states, because any property if used right will have the potential to produce way over $1,000 worth of agricultural goods in a year. (On a side note here any law that is passed about framing that you hear the media saying will not affect your garden at home will if you have used your land correctly.)

As of the 2007 census of agriculture, there were 2.2 million farmers
In 2012, the United States had 2.1 million farmers
And it just keeps getting less and less each year
Historically, most Americans have left the workforce some time before age 65. Indeed, SmartAsset's analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data found that the national average retirement age is 63 years old. At the state level, it ranges from 62 to 65.

Know these  facts means that this year and every year after this we are going to have more and more people on this planet and less and less farmers.

Why is this? Well I believe the largest factor is the perception of farming. Let’s face it kids do not want to be farmers in this day and age when we can all be anything we want. When, if you want to learn a new skill it is just a YouTube search away. Kids these days want to be something cool and can learn how to easily. Back in the day if you wanted to be a musician you needed to find and hire someone to teach you. So many kids then where okay not always happy about it but okay with following in their families footsteps and keep the farm going.  

If we want to safe farming we need to look for ways to make farming cool again and to do that we first need to have a definition of two things. What is cool? And what is a farm?

Finding a definition of cool, neat, or exciting is hard to do as what is “cool” for one person is not always “cool” for another and even in one’s own life time what  is cool changes how many of us look back at our old stile 10 or 15 years ago and say OMG what was I thinking back then. Cool also has gender lines just look at movies and the terms chick flick or guy movie. So how do you define something that changes with time and by each person? Well we look for concepts that have stood the test of time and have a larger age group. Things that have always been at least kind of cool in one way or another.
Well as we said earlier the difference between a farm and a home garden is the potential to produce a $1,000 worth of agricultural goods in a year.   So there for a farm is not determined by size of land or location and any home can become a farm. Manabu farms lot #6 started in a upstairs apartment with no yard at all.  By selling Micro-Greens that can be grown in almost any space and selling at the farmers market made more than $1000 a year before it used its profits to buy a home that had land to farm on. Any home no matter how small can be a farm!

So what has worked for me?
Well as for the Cool the way I chose to go about it was this.
for a long time now Americans have idolized The “outlaw”  wither it be the dime novels of the old west or more modern things like Sons Of Anarchy, or oceans 11 and so forth, we as Americans like to think of outlaws being more like Robin Hood, Then hardened killer’s. With more and more city’s making laws that take away your right’s to grow food the way you want in the city, they are making urban farming into outlaw farming. And I say we embrace it! We at Manabu Farms call ourselves a outlaw farm club and have helped a lot of youth avoid gangs and still find that family they are looking for if people that will stand by their side. We did this by setting up a clear set of by laws for are farm club.

This allowed us to join together with our community members and stand up for what we believed in and that was good food grown locale.

Over the years the club has grown and now does a lot more than just grow food, we now also produce more than our own power needs. We harvest and create out of the air most of our own water needs in some places more then we need. And have been empowering our members to each own their own home based profitable business, and I am not talking some chain thing but each unique business based off of that members skills and wants. After all the entire goal for a home based business is to do something you enjoy and make money at it.
If you’re interested in helping change the way we look at farming and becoming free of all monthly bills.

There are many ways to get started. Feel free to message me or even call Manabu farms our number is listed on our Facebook page and I will be happy to talk with you about how you can get started on your own. Or read below the Manabu By laws and if you think it is something you are interested in joining let me know!

Manabu Farms by laws

Manabu Farms F.C. is a farm club and a community based organization.
In many states and towns it is illegal to raise animals for food inside city limits, and in some towns it is even illegal to have garden boxes in your front lawn.  Manabu Farms does not care that it breaks these unjust laws and any statements within this document that may imply criminal activity such as; “never snitch on the club” refers to the activity of urban farming in areas that it may be illegal.  This is the only crime that members of Manabu Farms ever commit in the name of the farm or with the farms knowledge.

1.            To grow as much food as we can.
2.            To build good community relations.
3.            To change the way people see farming.
4.            To provide a supportive systems for its members.

Command Structure Worldwide
Farm Lot One Board of Officers
State Chapter Board of Officers
County Chapter Board of Officers
City Lot Chapters Board of Officers

Command Structure by Farm Lot
Officers Board
Sergeant At Arms
All Managers
/            \
Court Officers, Patched Member and Resident Patched Member
Patched Farmer
Patched Member
/              \
Patched Supporter and Seed

Officers Board
The officer’s board consists of those members who were elected as officers of the club.  The Officers are; President, Vice President, Secretary, Sergeant at Arms, Garden Manager, Animal Manager, Building Manager, Construction Manager and Treasurer along with 2-12 additional elected members called Court Officers.
The Board holds scheduled meetings every other week.  Emergency meetings can be called if a situation demands immediate attention.  The Officer’s Board is responsible for:
1.            To oversee the continued growth of the most amount of food as possible and the club striving to find new ways to grow more and more food.
2.            The monitoring of conflicts within the club.
3.            The application of disciplinary procedures.
4.            The evaluation of seeds and their progress.

The executive duties of the president are as follows:
1.            To preside over the farm and insure its continued growth of as much food as possible and to oversee meetings of both the Officer’s Board and the club as a whole.
2.            Judging items not covered in the constitution or in the rules and regulations.
3.            To act as the personal representative of the club in the area of public relations, as a liaison between Manabu Farms and local law enforcement agencies, and as a connecting link between the Manabu Farm Club and other community members.
4.            To represent the club in any club business contacts and to supervise in major economic transactions.
5.            To assist Manabu Farms officers in the interpretation of their club responsibilities, and to promote club life among members in general.
6.            To oversee the productivity and insure contained improvement of the Manabu Farms lot in which they are president of.
7.            In the event of a tie in any vote the president shall be able to cast an additional vote or change their vote to bring the issue to a close.
8.            To hold all club cash and pay all farm bills. This is due to the fact that 90% of the time the farm lot president is the owner of the lot, in the event that the president does not own the lot the treasurer upon a vote of the board of directors can hold club cash.

The executive duties of the Vice-President are to assume the responsibilities of the presidency when the President is unable to do so. In addition, the Vice-President must be able to do the following:
1.            To assist the farm in growing as much food as possible.
2.            To aid the President in their responsibilities.
3.            To check weekly to make sure all bills and orders are being made and filled on time.
4.            To look for and bring to the clubs knowledge any potential business opportunities.
5.            To look for and bring to the clubs attention any potential problems.

The executive duties of the treasurer are as follows:
1.            To assist the farm in growing as much food as possible.
2.            To monitor and record the club’s income and expenditures.
3.            To collect the dues and fines owed by members from the Sargent at Arms.
4.            To do weekly checks on the President’s bills and income books and report to the board.
5.            To look for and bring to the clubs knowledge any potential business opportunities.
6.            To find new ways to lower farm spending and more efficient ways of spending.

The executive duties of the secretary are as follows:
1.            Will make records of all produce that the farm grows, gives away and sells.
2.            Recording and safeguarding the minutes of the club meetings.
3.            To maintain the Club Constitution, recording any additions, deletions, or modifications.
4.            To handle any club correspondence.
5.            To keep any club confidential correspondence or paperwork.

Sergeant at Arms
The executive duties of the Sergeant at Arms are as follows:
1.            To work daily on killing aphids and other bugs that harm the gardens without using chemicals.
2.            To do everything in their power to maintain a peaceful, nonviolent atmosphere at the clubs properties or events.
3.            To maintain order at club meetings in particular, and club activities in general.
4.            To ensure that members adhere to club rulings, policies, and expected to be models of conduct when dealing with other members or outsiders.
5.            To collect dues and loans owed to the club and deliver them in a timely manner to the clubs treasurer.
6.            To defend club members, property, or territory from outside threats.

Garden Manager
The executive duties of the Garden Manager are as follows:
1.            To help the President in his or her responsibility of growing as much food on the farm lot as possible.
2.            To oversee the cleanliness of the farm grounds.
3.            To oversee the wishes of the officers board when dealing with issues of farming.
4.            To insure that all growing plants are fed and watered daily or as needed and that proper weeding and garden practices are being done.

Animal Manager
The executive duties of the Animal Manager are as follows:
1.            To oversee the daily well being of all farm livestock.
2.            To maintain an animal feeding budget.
3.            To oversee proper breeding schedules for all livestock.
4.            To daily improve the general well being of the livestock on the farm lot.

Building Manager
The executive duties of the Building Manager are as follows:
1.            To water and maintain all indoor food gardens.  This does not include greenhouses, those fall under Garden Manager’s duties.
2.            To prepare and oversee a chore list for all resident patched members.
3.            To arrange the repairs as needed in the common living areas.
4.            To report to the Sergeant at Arms if a member did not complete a chore and a fine is needed to be collected.

Harvest Manager
The executive duties of the Harvest Manager are as follows:
1.            To keep track of all planting dates and harvest dates.
2.            To ensure that the farm lot endeavors to be able to harvest on a daily basis by:
a.            Planting new seeds or cloning from existing plants in a timely manner.
b.            Working daily with the Garden Manager on the overall growth of the farm.
c.             Working with the cooks of the farm to help them use more of what we grow daily in their meals.
3.            To work with those in charge of distributing Manabu Farms products and insure that orders are capable of being fulfilled.

Court Officers
The executive duties of Court Officers are as follows:
1.            To help the farm grow as much food as possible.
2.            To help insure the moral goodness of the farm.
3.            To participate and inspire newer members to do good works for the community.
4.            To oversee the whole courts understanding of club rules and activities.
5.            To assist the Executive Board in their responsibilities.
6.            To bring an impeachment vote when necessary before the Officer’s Board.

1.            Seeds must be at least 18 years old.
2.            Seeds must have a garden no matter how small.
3.            Seeds will be responsible for making bagged meals so club members can then hand them out; the club is responsible for having the materials for the bag lunches ready for seeds to work with.
4.            Seeds must show a sincere interest in growing food and feeding the people in their community.
5.            A Seed must be sponsored by one member who has known him or her at least one year (may be waived by vote).
6.            Seeds must buy their own cut or be given one by their sponsor.
7.            A sponsor is responsible for the actions of his or her Seed.  If a sponsor has more than one “Seed go bad” then his or her rights to be a sponsor may come under question by the court.
8.            A sponsor can pull a Seed’s rockers at his or her discretion. 
9.            Seeds must attend all meetings and club functions that they are allowed to.
10.          A seed must do anything a member asks him or her to do that is in the best interest of the club, but the member asking the Seed must have done the same action in the past or willing to do that action with them.
11.          Every patch holder on the farm lot must vote for a Seed to make center patch and become a member.  At least 51% of the votes are needed.
12.          Prospective member’s Seed period or “planting session” is at the discretion of the sponsor and the club but should be no less than 6 months.
13.          Only the sponsor or an officer may hand out a patch to a seed.  This will be done at a meeting with only patch holders present.

Hang Around
There are three types of hang around.  A come around, a supporter, and an official hang around.

1.            A come around is anyone that is not a patched in member that hangs out at the clubhouse or volunteers at a farm lot.  A come around does not get to wear colors.
2.            A supporter gets the right to put on a cut and colors but can never wear a center patch with the clubs logo on it, unless they take the route of becoming a Seed.
3.            An official hang around is someone that one day wants to become a full member and states so to a member of the court.  That member, if they believe the come around is worthy of becoming a hang around then they will escort that come around to the president of the lot and let the come around state their intent to the president.  At that time the president will announce to all present that the come around is now a hang around and is looking for a sponsor to become a seed.

Patched in Member
The steps to becoming a Patched in Member are as follows:
1.            Become a hang around.  This means that you will hang around the farms and volunteer where you can.
2.            Become a Seed.  To understand more about Seeds see the section on Seeds in this document.
3.            The final step in becoming a Patched in Member is having all patched members on the farm lot you’re applying at, vote you in.

The duties of any member are as follows:
1.            To help feed the people of their local community.
2.            To help work on the farm lot every week for standard members and daily for resident patched members.
3.            To follow all the rules and regulations set forth in this document or by the officers board of your farm lot.
4.            To pay your dues to the farm club on time.
5.            To follow the rules of respect and code of conduct.

Farmer Patched Member
A Farmer patch is earned by being a member with a resident patch for over five years.

The Court
The Court will be made up of every patched member connected with the farm lot.
Elections of Officers Board Members
Officers of the club serve a twelve month term of office.  Annual elections are held at the last regular meeting of the year, in December.
1.            In order to be eligible for office, a patch holder has to have been an active member in good standing for a minimum of one year.
2.            Patch holders who aspire towards a particular position will campaign informally for one month prior to the elections.
3.            Electioneering is conducted on an interpersonal face to face basis.
4.            Hopeful candidates will approach a member, inform them what he or she is willing to stand for in office if nominated, ask for member’s opinion of his or her qualifications, and solicit the members support.
5.            It is normal for officers to serve many consecutive terms in a row.  There is no limit to the number of terms an officer can serve.

1.            One organized meeting per week.
2.            Majority rules.
3.            If a vote is taken at a meeting and a member is not there, his or her vote is voided, unless the absent member has picked a member in good standing to proxy his or her vote.
4.            Meetings will be closed except for prospective members and anyone there on business.
5.            All meetings will be run on a parliamentary basis.  Members will be evicted for unruly conduct.
6.            The secretary must be informed in writing of any proxy hood at least one hour before the meeting.
7.            Members must have colors with him or her when attending meetings.
8.            If a member attends a meeting and is drunk, he or she will be removed from the board and cannot reapply for a board membership for at least one year.
9.            What is said in the meeting stays with those who are in the meeting.
10.          During a meeting there will be no talking among members until they get the floor through the President. A Sergeant at Arms, if not President, will be appointed and anyone not abiding by the above will be evicted from that meeting.
11.          Miss three meeting in a row without following the proxy rule set forth here in this document and you will be expelled from the club.
12.          Members must attend meetings to leave the club and turn in his or her colors and everything that has the name “Manabu Farms” on it. (I.E. t-shirts, wristbands, mugs, etc.)
13.          If a member is thrown out of the club or quits without attending a meeting he or she loses his or her colors, any farm equipment or materials supplied by the club, and anything else that says “Manabu Farms” on it. 

Rules and Regulations
The rules of the club will be strictly enforced.  If anyone breaks them, the officer’s board will deal with them.  If these rules and regulations are broken, it could mean either immediate dismissal or suspension, whatever the board sees fit.
1.            If someone asks a patched member for food it is that member’s responsibility to try and find a way to feed them something.
2.            Every farm lot will always strive to give away more food then it sells.
3.            No hard drugs! (If you have to question whether the drug you’re about to do would be considered a hard drug then it most likely is.)  If you are found to be using hard drugs you will be banned from the farm and stripped of your colors.
4.            No burning rule.  When making deals, a person gets what they are promised or the deal is called off.
5.            Never get “Dirt” on your cut.
6.            There will be no stealing.  Anyone caught will be kicked out of the club.  If it’s not yours don’t touch it!
7.            Members cannot belong to any other competing farm clubs.
8.            If a group or individual attacks any member, the whole club shall stand behind him or her and fight if necessary.  If, however, the member is the aggressor and purposely starts an argument, the rest of the members will escort the member away, or step in between before trouble starts.
9.            No Member will disgrace the club.
10.          No member will destroy club property purposely.
11.          No member will take the attitude that he or she doesn’t have to help other members and other members don’t have to help them.
12.          No member will go against anything the club has voted or passed
13.          Every member should strive to become self-sufficient within the community, including income, such as start their own business.  With a vote the club will provide full support, with financial backing and volunteer Seed work.
14.          The club will always stay together on trips, parties, meetings etc. and will not fraternize with known club rivals.  The only way a member will be permitted to leave the main group will be to notify the president or whoever is in charge.  When the time comes that the majority feels it is time to leave, we will all leave together.
15.          Members will have good attendance.  Members must have a good reason for not attending meetings, such as working, sickness, no transportation.
16.          Members shall not fight each other.  If needed because all other options have been exhausted, two members may duke it out in a ring with a referee and trained medical personnel on hand.
17.          If you don’t help out the club in its activities and you use the club solely for your benefit, you will be warned the first time.  If you are found guilty a second time you will be asked to pay a fine of $25 or leave the club.  If you are found guilty a third time you will be asked to turn in your cut and any other property with Manabu Farms name or logo on it.
18.          Do as you say you’re going to do.
19.          The treasurer shall keep clear record of all money paid in and out during the week and will balance it before every board meeting.  The books will be gone over every week by the Officer’s Board.
20.          Members with extra farm tools or supplies will loan them to members.  They must be replaced or paid for should something happen to said tool.
21.          Unless you have a resident patch on your cut leave your personal drama off the farm, unless you are asking for help.
22.          No talking about club business to persons outside the club.  Be smart when talking about club business over the telephone.
23.          There will be no alcohol served on club grounds, unless it is alcohol made by the club.
24.          Failure to pay his or her dues according to the section dealing with the paying of dues.
25.          You must be a member for at least one year before you can sponsor a seed.

 Dues and Loans
1.            Club dues will be paid each month, due by the first.  Unless arranged beforehand with the board.
2.            Two months overdue is the limit.
3.            Dues are $5 per month for every Lot One patched member or $300 for a resident Lot One patch a month.  For other patched in members for other lot numbers $10 are due with $5 goes to Lot One for the betterment of the whole club and $5 to the lot the member belongs to so that said lot can better itself.
4.            Upon failure of paying dues, within two weeks, member shall be suspended and turn in his or her colors.
5.            If within two months dues still aren’t paid, the colors will be forfeited to pay for them and the member will no longer be considered a member.  The only exception to this shall be if a member is in jail or he or she is out of town for a period of time.  If he or she is in jail, dues won’t be expected.  If he or she is out of town dues will be paid when he or she returns.
6.            All loans or debts will be secured by the Sergeant at Arms.  Members will agree upon payment.  Two patch holders must be present in any personal loan transaction.

1.            When it comes to eating or protection, kids come first, women next and then men.
2.            Respect the farm.
3.            Respect your colors.
4.            Respect the earth.
5.            Respect your club elders and they will respect you.
6.            Respect is to be shown to all club members, Officers, farmers, Seeds, houses, lots, job, etc.  In other words, if it’s not yours…DON’T TOUCH IT!!!
7.            Fighting among each other is not allowed.  Any punches to be thrown will be done in the ring or by the Sergeant at Arms.

Colors and Cut
1.            President gets colors from Lot One club when a new member is voted in.
2.            When a member leaves the club, said member turns over their colors to the president of the farm lot in which they were a member of.
3.            Respect your colors.  Don’t let anyone take them from you except the president of the chapter.
4.            Nothing will be worn on the back of your jacket except club colors.  The front of your jacket, or cut, is yours but the back is the clubs.
5.            Many patches must be earned and cannot just be added to your jacket.  See your Sergeant at Arms for more details.
6.            Colors are not required to be worn to from and during employment if not allowed by employer.  If a patch is lost or stolen, patch holder will be judged by a court of officers.
7.            The day you get your colors will be known as your second birthday and will be celebrated as such.
8.            Colors must be worn at all times when in public.  Only one of your brothers or sisters can babysit your colors.
9.            The only way a member of Manabu Farms can retire and keep his or her patch is if local officers authorize him or her to do so.

Cut:  A cut is a vest that your colors are worn on.

Colors:  Are what the club calls patches on the back of your vest or jacket.  There are six patches that make up the Manabu Farms colors.  Four are called rockers, one is the rocker that says “Manabu Farms”. The second rocker from the top down is the patch that reads “We Feed the People”.  The third patch is a square patch with the letters “FC” standing for Farm Club.  The fourth patch is called the center patch and is the hardest to earn, it’s the Manabu Farms logo and it means you’re a member in the club.  Seeds do not get the right to wear the center patch until they become full members.  The fifth patch, the last rocker, states your position in the club like Member, Seed, Farmer, or Supporter.  The last rocker states the county that you live in.

Dirt:  Dirt can mean physical earth such as dust or soil, but in most cases refers to doing a dishonorable act.

F.F.:  A patch that stands for “Farm First”.  Not just the words but the attitude of.  If you farm with me you are my family and we take care of each other.

Lot Number:  The number that Manabu Farms Club gives a new chapter or farm.  They are in chronological order from the first club, Lot One.

Manabu:  Means “The art of learning”.

Rockers:  The like patches with writing on them that go on the back of the club member’s cut.  There are two top rockers and two bottom rockers.  In addition on the front of the cut there is one mandatory side rocker that reads “Ask Me for Food”.

Seed:  A prospect; a member in training.

A Seed going bad:  A member in training quits the club or is asked to leave the club for one reason or another.

Sponsor:  A center patched member that stands up for a hang around and says “I would like them to become a Seed and I will teach them the ways of the club”. 

Friday, May 19, 2017

The United States is outlawing our freedoms

In America there is a hidden war going on for our freedoms

We live in a time where words like "permaculture" and "food forest" can get you arrested. In a time where calling yourself a "prepper" or someone that lives "off grid" can end you up on the FBI’s watch list.
Again, I find myself wanting to start with a definition of freedom. As I am using it, as it can be a word that can refer to so many things.

FREEDOM to me means the ability to wake up in the morning and do what I want with my time.
You are not free if you are paying
“To live somewhere”
“For water to drink”
“For power for your basic needs”
“For food that you need to live”

Let’s look at each of these by themselves.

“To Live Somewhere”

In most towns it is illegal to be homeless. Homelessness is not what I am talking about when I say living somewhere for free. It is a fact that needs to be looked at when talking about our freedoms that are disappearing.  For now, let’s move on. We will come back to this in a later post, as this is a longer and more complicated issue. It covers how the system is designed to keep you either making a rent payment or homeowner payments or mortgage payments. All the way, to how in truth taxation of your land is non constitutional.   

Ban on Homelessness 

“For Water to Drink”

First we have all heard the crazy stories about people being arrested for gathering rainwater and while most of them end up not being 100% true some of them are not. Let’s look at it from a different prospective. Did you know that if you have a rainwater collection system hooked up to, let’s say your bathroom, and the city finds out, most of them will issue you a removal order. If you fight it you will end up in court.

In 99% of towns it is against the law to not be connected to the public water system and waste water removal, which you must pay for.  This is a big one. I mean if the city attacks you about this they come with the big guns. If you have kids, the first thing they do is attack you by opening a child protective services case against you. Next they attack you with health code violations and it just gets worst from there.     
Arrested for Rainwater

“For Power for Your Basic Needs”

Many cities have laws governing wind turbines that make it unfeasible to use them in those cities.
Many cities also have laws against home generation of bio-gas and/or methane gas.
Florida is one of several states, mostly in the Southeast, that combine copious sunshine with extensive rules designed to block its use by homeowners to generate power.  

“Food That You Need to Live”

OMG this one is just insane and the cases just keep rolling in of more and more people being arrested or ordered to take out their gardens. Most of the time it is a city law that says "no gardens allowed on front lawns" that gets people here .
We also need to say here, that most cities have some sort of code enforcement about composting, as well many will allow it but only if you do it in the way they want, and have enough space between your home and your neighbors .  
Join other Outlaw farmers

 So what do we do as people that want to live free? How to we become free when the government wants us as financial slaves? It is simple really, we just do it! Start living your life as free as you can. Make actions towards true freedom every chance you get, even with the fear of the government or city trying to stop you. It is not just your right to be free, it is an obligation to fight any unjust law.  To inspire you to do so, here are what some of the other outlaws that have or are fighting  for our freedom have said!

One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. I would agree with St. Augustine that ' an unjust law is no law at all.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Unjust laws exist: shall we be content to obey them, or shall we endeavor to amend them, and obey them until we have succeeded, or shall we transgress them at once?
Henry David Thoreau

One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. I would agree with St. Augustine that ' an unjust law is no law at all.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

You think your job is financial freedom, in truth it is financial slavery
Carl Stanley III 

One who breaks an unjust law must do so openly, lovingly, and with a willingness to accept the penalty.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

It seems to me that an unjust law is no law at all.
Saint Augustine

A unjust law, is no law at all.
Martin Luther

An individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for the law.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.
Ronald Reagan

A just law is a man-made code that squares with the moral law, or the law of God. An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

An unjust law is itself a species of violence. Arrest for its breach is more so.
Mahatma Gandhi

A just law is a man-made code that squares with the moral law or the law of God. An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law. To put it in the terms of Saint Thomas Aquinas, an unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in eternal and natural law.
Martin Luther

There are two types of laws: there are just laws and there are unjust laws... What is the difference between the two?...An unjust law is a man-made code that is out of harmony with the moral law.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

True freedom starts with food freedom.
Carl Stanley III

In any civilized society, it is every citizen's responsibility to obey just laws. But at the same time, it is every citizen's responsibility to disobey unjust laws.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

If the machine of government is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law.
Henry David Thoreau

Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed, as they are in almost every country in Europe.
Noah Webster

Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry.
Thomas Jefferson

There is no justice in following unjust laws.
Aaron Swartz

Nothing is more destructive of respect for the government and the law of the land than passing laws which cannot be enforced.
Albert Einstein

Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also a prison.
Henry David Thoreau

A military force, at the command of Congress, can execute no laws, but such as the people perceive to be just and constitutional; for they will possess the power, and jealousy will instantly inspire the inclination, to resist the execution of a law which appears to them unjust and oppressive.
Noah Webster

There is no justice in following unjust laws. It's time to come into the light and, in the grand tradition of civil disobedience, declare our opposition to this private theft of public culture.
Aaron Swartz

When I refuse to obey an unjust law, I do not contest the right of the majority to command, but I simply appeal from the sovereignty of the people to the sovereignty of mankind.
Alexis de Tocqueville

As long as the superstition that people should obey unjust laws exists, so long will slavery exist
Mahatma Gandhi 

I was born a slave to the system, my child was born a slave to the system, I fight so my grandchildren will be born free!
Carl Stanley III 

Saturday, May 13, 2017

The best tree to grow for any size garden or farm

 What is the best tree for to grow?

As an urban farming instructor, that teaches people to grow 90% of their food needs in the smallest of places, like that of an apartment with no yard, I have been asked more times than I can count, “What is the one plant that I can grow that will help me the most?”

While my answer is not always the same, most of the time my answer is Moringa Oleifera.
This plant is just amazing; it does so much for your body and can be used in so many ways.
Now if you do any search on it, you will gain the feeling that this tree can only be grown in places with hot climates like South America. That is simply not true. You can grow this tree anywhere, even cold places like Michigan.   

About the best tree in the world

In one serving of Moringa Oleifera leaves, you can find:

272% daily value of Vitamin A
22% daily value of Vitamin C
41% daily value of Potassium
61% daily value of Magnesium
71% daily value of Iron
125% daily value of Calcium
 92 Nutrients
46 Antioxidants
36 Anti-Inflammatories
18 Amino Acids
9 Essential Amino Acids

Here are more benefits of Moringa Oleifera:

Boosts energy levels
Improved digestion
Improved immune system function
Improved mood
Lower blood pressure
Protects the stomach lining
Treats stomach ulcers
Plus many more!

Here's a list of the top ten benefits of the Moringa Oleifera Tree!

1. In most cultures, the Moringa Oleifera is referred to as the Miracle Tree or The Tree of Life and the majority of it is edible and can be consumed by all ages. This means that the tree is truly useful.
2. Moringa contains more that 90 nutrients, 46 antioxidants, and 36 anti-inflammatory compounds. It also has 18 amino acids, including the 9 essentials that our bodies need to survive but cannot manufacture ourselves (and must be supplied through diet). All this is 100% naturally occurring in the Moringa, whereas most multivitamins and calcium supplements available on the market are made using synthetic ingredients that the human body absorbs very minimal nutrients from. 

3. The flowers can be cooked down and are said to taste of mushrooms. The flower juice is useful for treating urinary problems and as a natural laxative. Tea made from the flowers has also been used as a common cold remedy, that really works. I do not know how many times I have felt a cold coming on, and I drank this as tea and never gotten sick. 

4. The seeds can be eaten like peas or roasted like nuts but are often ground into powder and used in treatment of scurvy skin diseases, insect bites, arthritis, rheumatism, gout, cramps, STDs, and boils, due to their antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties. They have been used as a relaxant for epilepsy. And after oil has been extracted, the seed cake can be used as fertilizer or to purify water. (Yes my fellow Flint MI residents, I said purify water. Even that nasty lead tainted water we are all dealing with.) 

5. The oil extracted from the seeds can resist rancidity and is used to treat bladder and prostate problems, as well as stomach disorders. It can relieve headaches when rubbed on the temples and is also used in perfumes, skin care, and hair oil. It is also being studied for its potential as a biofuel. It is easy enough to use as a cooking oil or even a lamp oil.

6. The leaves are commonly known as the most nutritious part of the Moringa and have no proven side effects to this date. Gram for gram, these leaves have 7 times the Vitamin C of an orange, 4 times the Vitamin A of carrots and calcium of milk, 3 times the potassium of bananas, the Vitamin E of spinach, and the iron of almonds, and 2 times the protein of yogurt. Regularly consuming Moringa leaves has been linked to a boosted immune system, lower blood pressure, improved digestion and mood, and weight loss due to its high fiber and low fat and calorie levels. They’re also regularly used to treat fevers, bronchitis, anemia, and eye and ear infections.

7. The roots and bark are used to relieve lower back or kidney pain, for cardiac and circulatory problems, and as a condiment (much like horseradish), tonic, or tea for inflammation and digestion. (the roots and bark have all of the properties above but are more concentrated and should have more care taken when used as a medicine because the alkaloid spirachin (a nerve-paralyzer) has been found in the roots). 

8. Moringa has been used as a sexual virility supplement to treat erectile dysfunction in men and increase sex drive (as an aphrodisiac) in women. It has also been known to prevent pregnancy. In case a woman is having a baby, it will increase and nourish breast milk production. I can not say if this is true or not but both myself and my wife admit that eating this has given us more energy, even at the end of the day (If you know what I mean). So maybe that is what it means by a sexual virility supplement.

9. In Jamaica, the sap is used for a blue dye and in Haiti the trees are grown as windbreaks and to help reduce soil erosion because it is fast growing (Flowering begins within the first 6 months of planting) and drought resistant. It is also in full-leaf at the end of the dry season when most other foods are typically scarce. with proper drying methods you will never run out of this plant. 

10. Moringa has been advocated as, a natural nutrition for the tropics, and is being used to combat malnutrition (due to its high protein and fiber content) by major NGOs such as Trees for Life International, Educational Concerns for Hunger Organization, and Volunteer Partnerships for West Africa.

But beware that with the awareness increasing of the benefits of Moringa products. Demand is skyrocketing and there’s already low quality product control happening. Be sure to read your labels and make sure the product you want has only 100% Moringa Oleifera with no fillers or additives, If you buy this to try it. In truth it grows so fast you can just buy a plant and know what your getting. 

How to Plant, Cultivate, Grow Moringa

What could be easier than walking into your yard, and gathering healthy leaves from your own grown Moringa plants to put on the table?

The Moringa plant is a fast-growing, drought resistant tree that can reach up to 15 feet in its first year.
The Moringa tree is very easy to grow. Simply plant seeds or cuttings in a sunny spot. 
The Moringa tree is a plant that grows mainly in semiarid, subtropical areas. but it can be grown anywhere the only downside is if it is not grown in a subtropical area, it most likely will not produce seed pods, but the leaves are the best part anyways! 

How to grow Moringa in any backyard

1. Measure an area of land to recondition the soil in the measured area by digging 2 ft deep and mixing the soil with equal proportion of manure and filling it back into the pit.
2. Water thoroughly and allow the resulting mixture to decompose for around six weeks make sure the soil is dry.
3. Sow your moringa and harvest after 60 days of growth

Moringa Oleifera grows best in direct sunlight under 1600 feet altitude. It tolerates a wide range of soil conditions, but prefers a neutral to slightly acidic (pH. 6.3-7.0), well-drained sandy or loamy soil.  but in waterlogged soil the roots have a tendency to rot. (In areas with heavy rainfall, trees can be planted on small hills to encourage water run-off). Presence of a long taproot makes it resistant to periods of drought. Trees can be easily grown from seed or from cuttings. Temperature ranges are 25-35 degrees Celsius (0-95 degrees Fahrenheit), but the tree will tolerate up to 48 degrees in the shade and it can survive a light frost. with out ant help by cutting your tree down at the start of winter and covering the ground around the tree with hot compost high in manure and then a layer of straw Lastly cover the area with a tarp or plastic dome. and uncover in spring after the last frost.  

Moringa seeds have no dormancy period, so they can be planted as soon as they are mature and they will retain the ability to germinate for up to one year. Older seeds  only have spotty germination. Moringa trees will flower and fruit annually and in some regions twice annually. During its first year, a Moringa tree will grow up to 16 feet in height and produce flowers and fruit. Left alone, the tree can eventually reach 40 feet in height with a trunk 2 feet wide; however, the tree can be annually cut back to one meter from the ground. The tree will quickly recover and produce leaves and pods within easy reach. Within three years a tree will yield 400-600 pods annually and a mature tree can produce up to 1,600 pods. 


Use poly bags or pots the bigger the pot the better I have even grown some thier hole life in a trashcan. The soil mixture for the pots should be light, with. 3 parts soil to 1 part sand. Plant two or three seeds in each pot, one to two inches deep. Keep moist but not too wet. Germination will occur within 5 to 12 days, depending on the age of the seed and pre-treatment method used. Remove extra seedlings, leaving one in each sack. Seedlings can be out-planted when they are 2-3 feet tall. 

3 tips of planting in pots 
1. Soak the seeds in water overnight before planting.
2. Crack the shells before planting.
3. Remove shells and plant kernels only.


When harvesting pods for human consumption, harvest when the pods are still young  and snap easily. Older pods develop a tough exterior, but the white seeds and flesh remain edible until the ripening process begins.

When producing seed for planting or for oil extraction, allow the pods to dry and turn brown on the tree. In some cases, it may be necessary to prop up a branch that holds many pods to prevent it breaking off. Harvest the pods before they split open and seeds fall to the ground. Seeds can be stored in well-ventilated sacks in dry, shady places.

For making leaf sauces, harvest seedlings, growing tips or young leaves. Older leaves must be stripped from the tough and wiry stems. These older leaves are more suited to making dried leaf powder since the stems are removed in the pounding and sifting process.


3 quotes from free people to help inspire you to start on your path to freedom.

1. “You think your job is financial security but in truth it is financial slavery!” 
2. "If you are paying monthly bills you are not free!"
3. "I work towards freedom not for myself but for the next generation." 

Want to get started Today here are three ways you can 


Friday, May 5, 2017

20 foods you can regrow from kitchen scraps

Regrow food from stuff you buy

Whether you are farming for profit, or just trying to feed your family with a home garden, buying seeds can end up being a big part of your budget.  I am always on the lookout for ways to lower this cost. In my last post I talked about a way to have endless fruit trees.  If you have not seen it, click this link (tree farmer). Now this week, we are going to show you another way to have endless starts, We at Manabu Farms (Facebook link) call this method “Up- planting”, and it can provide you with an almost endless supply of many plants. Below is a list of plants we have done on the farm,

List of plants you can Up-plant (Upcycle plants)

Bok Choy
Bean Sprouts
Sweet Potatoes
Green onion 


Strawberries and Raspberries
Are a bit tricky start by, removing the seeds from strawberry with a toothpick or by mashing a raspberry through a strainer. Then Rinse the seeds off, so no fruit is left on them, then let them dry off completely.  Fill a container almost all the way with soil and flick the seeds into it. Cover seeds with ¼ inch of soil. Spray water on seeds, repeat every other day. Leave seeds in sunlight. Watch for seeds to sprout. Transfer to your garden or a larger pot once sprouts grow their third leaves.


Tomatoes are great here is two ways to up-plant them 
Way 1:
Slice tomato into thirds horizontally. Take any of the thirds and place them in a cup or jar filled ¾ of the way with all-purpose soil. Cover the last fourth with soil to cover the tomato. Moisten soil considerably and leave in direct sunlight Spray water on seeds, repeat every other day. Watch for seeds to sprout!

Way 2:
Tomato suckers, or side shoots, are the growth that appears in the crotch between the stem and a branch of a tomato plant. You can tell it is a sucker and not a normal branch when flowering starts if it does not have flowers on it is a sucker and will do you no good to leave it on your plant instead follow the steps below to turn it into a new tomato plant.
Select a healthy, 4- to 6-inch-long sucker to remove from the mature tomato plant. To find a sucker, look for a thin shoot growing between two main branches. Pinch the base of the sucker between your thumb and forefinger, and bend it from side to side until it snaps off. Alternatively, use gardening clippers or scissors to cut the sucker off at the base. Pick the lower leaves off the bottom of the sucker. Fill a 4-inch pot with potting soil and plant the sucker in the soil with the cut end pointing down. Check the sucker for root growth daily, indicated by new growth at the tip of the cutting. Roots begin to grow in about four days, and the plant is ready for transplanting to a larger container in seven to 10 days. Fill a 3- to 5-gallon container with potting soil after seven to 10 days have passed. Plant the rooted sucker in the soil, taking care not to disturb the roots. Water thoroughly. Place the container in a shady spot. Each day, put the container in a sunny area for a few hours. Gradually increase the amount of sun the plant gets every day. Plant the tomato seedling in your garden after 10-14 days, if desired, or plant it in a larger container.

So I almost did not add this one to the list, it is not hard to grow but take forever before you get fruit and unless you live in the right area its never going to make you a profit.
Slice the crown of a pineapple off so that there is as little fruit attached as possible.  Pluck the leaves off so that about 5 inches of the crown is bare. Leave crown in a sunny spot to dry for 2-7 days Place seed in a glass of water, relying on the toothpicks to hold it up so that only the bottom quarter of the seed is in the water (pointed end should be facing up out of the water). Change water once a week  Roots should form in about 2-3 weeks. Transfer to Soil once roots reach about 2-3 inches

Lettuce , Bok Choy and cabbage are relatively easy to grow from scraps. Instead of throwing out those leftover leaves, simply place them in a bowl with just a bit of water in the bottom. Keep the bowl somewhere that gets good sunlight and mist the leaves with water a couple of times each week. After 3 or 4 days, you will notice roots beginning to appear along with new leaves. When this happens you can transplant your lettuce or cabbage in soil.
Now here is a video on a way to make any cabbage plant give your family a endless supply of cabbage.

Celery is one of the easiest foods to grow from leftover scraps. Just cut off the bottom or base of your celery and lay it in a bowl with just a bit of warm water in the bottom. Keep the bowl in direct sunlight as long as possible each day and after about a week, you will begin to see the leaves thickening and growing along the base. When this happens, you can transplant your celery in soil and wait for it to grow to full length.

If you love using lemongrass but have a difficult time finding it, simply regrow your own. Lemongrass will grow just like regular grass. You just place the root that is leftover in a glass bowl or jar with enough water to cover it and leave it in the sunlight. After about a week, you will notice new growth and when this happens you can transplant your lemongrass in a pot or in your herb garden.

Bean Sprouts
You love cooking with bean sprouts you can grow them yourself as well. You just need to soak a tablespoon or so of the beans that you want to grow in a jar with shallow water. Leave this overnight and in the morning, drain the water off and put the beans back in the container. Cover the container with a towel overnight and rinse them the next morning. Keep doing this until you notice the sprouts begin to appear and then until they reach the size that you want. This works well with mung beans and wheat berries.

Virtually everyone knows that potatoes can be grown from potato peelings. You need peelings that have eyes on them. Cut those peelings into two inch pieces, ensuring that there are at least two or three eyes on each piece. Allow them to dry out overnight and then simply plant them about four inches deep in your soil. Make sure that the eyes are facing up when planting. It will take a few weeks before you see the potato plant begin to grow.

Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes can be grown much like regular potatoes. You just have to suspend it using toothpicks above a container of shallow water. Roots will begin to appear in just a few days and sprouts will be seen on top of the potato around that same time. Once those sprouts reach about four inches or so in length, just twist them off and place them in a container of water. When the roots from this container reach about an inch in length, you can plant them in soil. now here is a funny video I did a few years ago that take you through the steps of growing sweet potatoes

Ginger root is very easy to grow and once you get started, you can keep your supply of ginger full. You just need to plant a spare piece of your ginger root in potting soil, making sure that the buds are facing up. You will notice new shoots and new roots in about a week or so and once this happens you can pull it up and use it again. Remember to save a piece of the rhizome so that you can replant it and grow more for the next time you need it.

Turnips, Carrot, Beets, and Parsnips
Root plants, turnips grow well from clippings or leftover scraps. You just need to salvage the tops of the turnip and place in a container of water. You should notice new green tops growing in just a few days after you begin. Just allow the root to continue growing until it’s ready to be transplanted in the ground. This works with many root vegetables such as beets, turnips and even parsnips

Cilantro, Basil, and many more herbs  
many herbs  can be grown from scraps as well. Just place the bottom of the stem in a glass of water and leave in a bright area, near a windowsill perhaps. When the roots grow a couple of inches long, you can transplant the cilantro into a pot and you will notice new sprigs in just a few weeks.

Onions and leeks 
Onions are very easy to grow indoors or out. You just have to cut the root of the onion off and make sure that you leave about a half an inch of onion when you do. Cover lightly with potting soil and keep in a sunny area. For green onions, simply put the white base with the roots intact in a container of water and place in direct sunlight. Change the water out every few days and the green will continue to grow. Just snip what you need and allow it to grow as long as you like.

 You can grow mushrooms from cuttings, although they are a bit more difficult than many other vegetables. You will need a warm area with a lot of humidity and soil that is rich in nutrients. It is much better to grow your mushrooms in a pot as opposed to in the ground because you have a better shot at controlling the temperature and the humidity. You just have to cut away the head of the mushroom and plant the stalk or stem in the soil. Leave the very top exposed and this base will begin to grow a new head.

Green onions
This one is easy just use them like you normally would then drop the ends in a glass of water. Roots will grow up in a few days. Then wait a few  days more before replanting .


 Slice citrus in half and remove seeds.

 Rinse seeds off but do not allow to dry

 Fill a container ¾ of the way with all-purpose or seed-starting soil.

 Rinse the seeds off so no fruit is left on them then let them dry off completely.

 Fill a container ¾ of the way with all-purpose or seed-starting soil.

 Leave seeds in a warm place (on a refrigerator or near a water heater)

 Spray water on seeds, repeat every other day

 Watch for seeds to sprout!